2022, Number 2
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Revista Mexicana de Trastornos Alimentarios 2022; 12 (2)
Empirical contributions a theoretical-practical model for prevention of anorexia y bulimia nervosas based on the risk level
León HRC, Del Angel-García JE, Gómez-Peresmitré G, Platas AS, Guzmán-Saldaña R
Language: Spanish
References: 68
Page: 173-185
PDF size: 283.12 Kb.
Nowdays, there’s enough evidence of the effects of Eating Disorders Prevention Programs, evidence
that has been documented through meta-analysis or systematic reviews. Particularly in Mexico,
different prevention strategies that provide valuable knowledge to the subject has been evaluated.
Therefore, the objective was it propose a model of anorexia y bulimia prevention based on the level
of risk, sustain it through empirical contributions. These contributions, allows to conclude that the
theorical-practical model represents a helpful tool to implement prevention programs, at once the
leve lof risk is identified and implementing the appropiate category (selective,universal and indicated)
with the purpose of eliminating or decrease the risk factors or symptomatology related with body
image and risky eating behaviors. Also the iatrogenic effects associated with these programs can be
reduced. Finally, it is concluded that is selective prevention that presents the best results.
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