2022, Number 2
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Revista Mexicana de Trastornos Alimentarios 2022; 12 (2)
Self-compasion and body image: experiences and meanings in Chilean adult women. A qualitative study
Araya-Véliz C, Durán G
Language: Spanish
References: 25
Page: 156-172
PDF size: 702.83 Kb.
Several studies show the relationship between self-compassion and body image in women, showing
that the increase in self-compassion contributes to a healthier body image, therefore, it is relevant
to investigate in depth the experiences and meanings associated with this relationship, considering
that Body image is influenced by different sociocultural and cognitive factors. From a qualitative methodology,
semi-structured interviews were conducted with eight normal-weight women between
20 and 30 years of age in Chile. The data was analyzed based on the perspective of the Grounded
Theory. The following results were reported in the analysis: body appreciation depends on the
body shape which is variable, women have difficulty in relating kindly to their body, when they
know, love and accept themselves they are more self-compassionate with their body, and leading
a healthy life helps them to have more self-compassion. Although it is easy for women to recognize
body dissatisfaction, it is especially difficult to alleviate it in a kind manner. One way to achieve better
self-compassion is to increase self-awareness, acceptance, love, and self-confidence; to protect themself
from imposed demands.
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