2022, Number 2
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Revista Mexicana de Trastornos Alimentarios 2022; 12 (2)
Food socialization strategies in fathers and mothers of Chilean families
Denegrí CM, Schnettler MB, Riquelme SL, Hueche AC
Language: Spanish
References: 45
Page: 130-145
PDF size: 253.35 Kb.
Starting from an interpretive qualitative study with a content analysis approach under the assumptions
of the grounded theory, we sought to describe the subjective meaning of food socialization in
the family, in terms of practices and strategies that parents use to introduce their children to eating
behavior patterns. Eighteen families from low, middle and high socioeconomic levels participated in
the study, answering a semi-structured interview. The results showed two central content categories,
on the one hand, the process of food education and on the other, specific food practices, which presented
differences between fathers and mothers in terms of the level of involvement in the children’s
eating process. Similarly, it was identified that the greatest degree of paternal involvement was observed
in the high socioeconomic level. Finally, the findings reveal the need to promote greater food
education and food practices that support healthy eating in different family contexts.
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