2023, Number 2
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Rev Fac Med UNAM 2023; 66 (2)
Circadian Sleep Disorders
Ángeles-Castellanos M, Rojas-Granados A, Quezada-Martínez JR, Arellano-Rivera E, Ruiz-Jiménez DA, Velázquez-Hernández OD, Sánchez-Sánchez M
Language: Spanish
References: 18
Page: 40-48
PDF size: 287.41 Kb.
The circadian system is synchronized to the light-dark cycle
generated by the rotation of the earth, ensuring that wakefulness
is during the day and sleep occurs at night. However,
the sleep-wake rhythm may be out of sync with the light-dark
cycle or endogenously out of sync, resulting in insomnia,
fatigue, and poor performance in activities of daily living.
Sleep disorders are classified by the American Sleep Disorders
Association, as intrinsic dyssomnias, extrinsic dyssomnias,
parasomnias, or medical/psychiatric sleep disorders. Circadian
sleep disorders have been categorized separately to
recognize that in most cases the etiology of circadian disturbances
is a mix of internal and environmental factors or a
temporary mismatch between the two. Symptoms are usually
insomnia or hypersomnia, common symptoms in patients
with circadian sleep disorders although other causes can
be attributed and must be excluded before a diagnosis of a
circadian sleep disorder is made. In the patient without other
sleep pathology, a daily record of activities, meals, exercise,
naps, and bedtime is an essential tool in assessing circadian
sleep disorders. These records should be kept for 2 weeks or
more, as a disturbance due to job changes or travel across
time zones can have effects on sleep and daytime alertness
weeks after the event.
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