2021, Number 282
Pyloric syndrome due to ingestion of caustics. A case report
Language: Spanish
References: 12
Page: 1-4
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The ingestion of caustic substances causes about 5 % of domestic accidents producing caustic esophagitis that can evolve to esophageal stenosis and, more rarely, to pyloric stenosis. Although infrequent, the latter is a serious entity characterized by a narrowing of the pyloric canal that prevents gastric emptying, in such a way that a timely approach is required to preserve the life of the patient. The case of a 15-year-old patient was reported, who, after accidentally ingesting sulfuric acid, used to clean the house, referred gastroesophageal lesions that evolved into a pyloric syndrome due to an occlusive scar lesion of the antropyloric region and required a gastrojejunostomy as definitive treatment. The timely management of this type of injury should be conceived in both the acute and chronic phases, although the best approach is considered to be the prevention, especially in pediatric ages.REFERENCES
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