2021, Number 282
Perception and level of knowledge of medical students about Palliative Care
Language: Spanish
References: 23
Page: 1-6
PDF size: 274.68 Kb.
Introduction: palliative care has a long and important history as part of the integrative medicine of patients, it is a right as part of health and it explores it from the point of view of dignity and the quality of human life, corresponding to spiritual, emotional and physical wellness practices, however, its history in Mexico and Latin America seems to be recent, which is why its introduction to undergraduate medicine practices has been slow.Objective: to characterize the perception and level of knowledge of medical students about palliative care.
Method: a bibliographic review was carried out supported by the databases SciELO, Scopus, PubMed/MEDLINE, ScienceDirect, in addition, the Google search engine was used, in its school modality (GoogleScholar). The key words used in Spanish were: “Palliative Care”, “Students and Palliative Care”; in English: "Undergraduate and Palliative Care", "Palliative Care" "Students of Medicine and Palliative Care". Taking into account the inclusion and exclusion criteria, 23 articles on the topic were included.
Development: as a general measure, it was found that in the previous courses regarding palliative care there was a better use in those comparative studies with respect to those that did not have an inclusion. It was shown that international undergraduate students were not very confident or did not have the appropriate knowledge to approach patients.
Conclusions: the introduction of the subject as compulsory is necessary to provide comprehensive care to patients.
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