2021, Number 282
Psychological aterations in children with absent parents due to emigration
Language: Spanish
References: 23
Page: 1-7
PDF size: 336.34 Kb.
Introduction: emigration is complex problem. The absence of parental figures in infantile age implies an important affective deprivation; wich shoks the child and the consequences can be harmful, when these difficulties are not addressed in a timely manner.Objective: to characterize the psychological alterations present in children with parents absent due to emigration.
Method: observational, descriptive, cross-sectional, study in children between 8 y 10 years old with absent parents due to emigration. The universe was made up of 120 children who attended the Comandante Manuel Fajardo school, from October 2018 to March 2020, the variables studied were: negative emotional states, alterations in habits and academic performance. For data collection, questionnaires, projective techniques and interviews were used.
Results: The presence of anxiety and depression were recorded 87 and 90 infants, representing (72,5 and 75 %) of the total respectively, together with feelings of anger, longing and loneliness; it was found that 97 children suffer from enuresis (80,8 %), 22 from encopresis for one (18,3) and 86 suffer from onychophagia (71,6 %). No difficulties in academic performance were specified.
Conclusions: parental emigration is experienced as a migratory mourning characterized by having a latent character which is constantly reopened, hindering the balance, well-being and personological development, the psychological alterations found refer to the presence of negative emotional states as adaptive responses of transitory character, in addition to alterations of habits, desobediente, capricious and rebellious behaviors.
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