2021, Number 282
Oral septic foci and ophthalmological diseases
Language: Spanish
References: 19
Page: 1-5
PDF size: 270.84 Kb.
Introduction: historically oral sepsis has been considered an important etiological factor for several ocular conditions.Objective: to identify the oral septic foci that are most frequently associated with ophthalmological diseases.
Method: a cross-sectional descriptive observational study was carried out in the period from January 2019 to January 2020. The universe consisted of 33 patients with ophthalmological diseases, referred from the consultations of the Ophthalmological Center of the Hospital Clínico- Quirúrgico "Juan Bruno Zayas "at the stomatology service of the institution. It worked with the entire universe. Variable groups of affected teeth, ophthalmological diseases and oral septic foci were analyzed. When two or more oral septic foci converged in the same patient, the one with the greatest severity was taken and therefore the one with the greatest relationship with the present ophthalmological condition.
Results: of the 33 patients with ophthalmological diseases, 20 had periodontal disease and of these 80 % suffered from different forms of periodontitis; of the 8 who presented periapical diseases, 50 % were affected by chronic dentoalveolar abscesses; 3 presented deep dentin caries and 2 pulp diseases.
Conclusions: the evidence points to a possible causal relationship between oral septic foci, mainly chronic inflammatory periodontal diseases, and detailed diseases, with uveitis being more frequent within the latter group.
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