2021, Number 282
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16 de abril 2021; 60 (282)
Nursing, a look at the times of COVID-19
Perilla-Portilla FE, Casas-Córdova JD, Aparicio-Bermúdez JD
Language: Spanish
References: 11
Page: 1-2
PDF size: 351.06 Kb.
Text Extraction
Dear readers,
Nursing is a profession that
has always been for the service
and care of populations. It has
been characterized for having professionals
with vocation, discipline,
and dedication. To be clear, the contribution
of nurses to improve the
health of population in times of crisis
dates back to the time of Florence Nightingale,
the well-known “Lady with
the Lamp”.
Thus, in 1928 during the catastrophic
influenza pandemic, this professional
group followed unswervingly
the teachings of Nightingale, applying
the practices of hand washing
as the main measure for infection
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