2022, Number 1
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Revista Mexicana de Trastornos Alimentarios 2022; 12 (1)
Artificial neural networks model: Neuropsychological variables and their relationship with body fat percentage in adults
Méndez-Peña BI, Murillo-Tovar MM, Leija-Alva G, Montufar BII, Serena-Alvarado A, Durán-Arciniega RS, Pérez-Vielma NM, Aguilera-Sosa VR
Language: English
References: 29
Page: 61-70
PDF size: 360.00 Kb.
There is a growing interest to understand the neural functions and substrates of complex cognitive
processes related to Obesity (OB). Artificial Intelligence (AI) is being applied, specifically the
perceptron model of Artificial Neural Networks (ANN) in non-communicable chronic diseases, to
identify with greater certainty the connective factors (synaptic networks) between the input variables
and the output variables associated.
Objective: Identify the synaptic weights of the ANN whose
input variables are the executive functions (EF) and healthy lifestyles as predictors of Body Fat
Percentage (BFP) in a group of adult subjects with different levels of BFP.
Methods: It was an
exploratory, quantitative, cross-sectional, comparative, convenience, and explanatory research. The
Neuropsychological Battery (BANFE-2) and the Overeating Questionnaire (OQ) were administered
to 40 participants aged between 18-38 years. BFP was measured using a RENPHO ES-24M Smart
Body Composition Scale. The perceptron ANN model with ten trials was applied with a multilayer-
Results: The ANN showed that the sensory variables with greater synaptic weight
for BFP were Stroop A and B Errors and Successes of BANFE-2, and OQ scales Rationalizations
and Healthy Habits.
Conclusions: ANN proved to be important in the simultaneous analysis of
neuropsychological and healthy lifestyle data for the analysis of OB prevention and treatment by
identifying the variables that are closely related. These findings open the door for the use of non-linear
analysis models, which allow the identification of relationships of different weights, between
input and output variables, to more effectively direct interventions to modify obesity habits.
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