2021, Number 5
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Medisur 2021; 19 (5)
Instrument for the evaluation of education at work in the Comprehensive Attention to the Population subject
Vázquez LAG, Espinosa RAA, Llano AL, González BY, Iglesias AAL, García MD
Language: Spanish
References: 13
Page: 827-834
PDF size: 795.13 Kb.
in the current context of higher medical education, it is necessary to develop a participatory evaluation methodology in the various practical-clinical teaching scenarios of the training process that allows overcoming the traditional forms that have historically been based on the identification of knowledge and skills.
to propose an instrument to evaluate the students` learning in the education at work of the Comprehensive Attention to the Population subject, that is taught in the fifth year of the Stomatology career.
pedagogical research developed at the Cienfuegos University of Medical Sciences. Theoretical methods were used: analytical-synthetic and inductive-deductive and empirical: documentary analysis, interviews with teachers of the subject and participatory techniques. The proposed instrument was evaluated according to the criteria of specialists.
a rubric was made in correspondence with the system of main skills to be mastered declared in the program of the subject. For each nucleus, a score was established according to the level of execution or its domain. It allows hetero-evaluation, co-evaluation and self-evaluation, by providing the student with the possibility of recognizing their progress, achievements and difficulties, analyzing their individual and group situation in said educational process and developing a critical and reflective attitude about their educational process.
the rubric is, undoubtedly, one of the instruments with the greatest potential for learning, it enables the evaluation of the objectives` degree of fulfillment.
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