2021, Number 5
José María Bermúdez López: An internal medicine symbol in Cienfuegos
Bermúdez FP, Roque RL, Magariño ALR, Álvarez MT, Díaz SIR
Language: Spanish
References: 9
Page: 722-735
PDF size: 536.37 Kb.
The life of José María Bermúdez López, a prominent Cienfuegos doctor, is full of extraordinary stories that confer him the recognition of the international scientific community. His merit transcends beyond his profession, since he was not on the sidelines of the struggles against Batista during his university years, and he maintained his commitment to the Revolution by providing health services in rural areas. However, there is little disclosure of his career, even in the province of Cienfuegos; That is why the objective of this work is to describe the significant events in the life and work of this doctor, a symbol of Internal Medicine. A descriptive research was carried out, which uses life history to achieve its purpose. Theoretical methods were used: analytical-synthetic, deductive-inductive and historical-logical; For data collection, iconography, documentary review and direct testimony of the teacher's voice were used as the primary source for obtaining information. The bibliographies consulted were scarce, so it was necessary to resort to in-depth oral interviews. It is concluded that Dr. José María, during his continuous work, has contributed exhaustively to the development of this specialty in the territory through a commitment to medical sciences and patients. Known as “El Profe”, at 88 years old, he still walks the corridors of the hospital he founded, admired by all.REFERENCES
Peña Sánchez MA, Nazario Dolz AM. El Dr. Esteban Roberto Regalado García y su fidelidad imperecedera a la Declaración de Principios de "Las Ardillas". MEDISAN[Internet]. 2017[citado 19/10/2020];21(12):[aprox. 3 p.]. Disponible en: http://scielo.sld.cu/scielo.php?script=sci_arttext&pid=S1029-30192017001200018&Ing=es