2023, Number 1
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Cir Plast 2023; 33 (1)
Impact of facial scars on psychological well-being, life satisfaction and gaudiebility
Segundo-Jara E, Martínez-Medina MP, Estrada-Saavedra R, Padrós-Blázquez F
Language: English/Spanish [Versión en español]
References: 15
Page: 14-18
PDF size: 320.00 Kb.
It has been pointed out that people with facial scars are stigmatized. This favors social isolation, difficulty relating to others and enjoying pleasurable activities. The relationship between the presence of facial scars and psychological well-being had been studied previously; although, the impact they may have on life satisfaction and enjoyment has not been considered. Therefore, the aim of this work was to study whether there are differences regarding psychological well-being, life satisfaction and gaudiebility in patients with facial scars before and after plastic surgery procedures and in healthy participants. We used the Ryff psychological well-being scale, the life satisfaction scale and the gaudiebility scale in 26 adults divided into three groups: 10 patients with pathological facial scars before their treatment, five after their treatment and 11 from the general population. The results show significant differences between the three groups, with higher levels of psychological well-being and gaudiebility in the general population group, followed by the post-treatment group and to a lesser extent, the pre-treatment group. We concluded that plastic surgery procedures on facial scars have a positive impact on psychological well-being and gaudiebility.
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