2022, Number 1
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Folia 2022; 16 (1)
Efficacy of ozone therapy in psoriasis patients
González GM, Aoun OSME, O´Farril HV, Tamayo MB
Language: Spanish
References: 22
PDF size: 336.38 Kb.
Introduction: Psoriasis is a chronic, non-contagious, multifactorial
dermatosis that affects 1.5 to 3% of the world population. In Cuba, the
prevalence rate is around 3 to 5% of the dermatological clinic.
Objective: To determine the response to treatment with ozone therapy in
patients with psoriasis.
Methods: A prospective, experimental, uncontrolled, sequential, randomized
central study was carried out. The universe consisted of 82 patients, and the
sample by the first 59 who met the inclusion criteria. Descriptive and
inferential statistics were used.
Results: The female sex predominated with 57.6%, and the prevailing ages
ranges 40 to 49 years (37.3%). During treatment, 78.0% of the cases showed
whitening of the lesions, and after treatment, 86.4%. Among the adverse
events, the most frequent was abdominal colic, described by 6.8% of the
Conclusions: Most of the patients included in the study had whitening of the
lesions after the application of the treatment and few adverse effects were reported. Ozone therapy is an alternative, effective, low-cost, natural
treatment with low rate of complications, which has offered a new therapeutic window for psoriasis.
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