2023, Number 2
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Med Int Mex 2023; 39 (2)
Multidisciplinary approach of overweight and obesity in adults
Meneses-Sierra E, Ochoa-Martínez C, Burciaga-Jiménez E, Gómez-Mendoza R, Salgado-Loza JL, Peña-Arriaga TM, Díaz-Aguilera M, Burguete-García AI, Márquez-González SM, Zavala-Cruz GG, Tenorio-Aguirre EK, Farfán-Salazar G, Nava-González EJ, Zerrweck C, Ramírez-Velásquez JE, Ponce-López ML, Sierra-Salazar M, Gutiérrez-Aguirre CH, Maldonado-Pintado DG, Sánchez-Mijangos JH, Luna-Fuentes R, Sandoval-Gutiérrez JL, Barriguete-Meléndez JA, Anda-Garay JC, Barrera-Cruz RJ, Morales-Gómez F, Vargas-Pedraza ME, Meneses-Vargas DE, Ayala-Calvillo E, Silva-Olvera MR, Pérez-Fernández BE, Ramírez-Huerta AC, Aguilar-Barrera ES, Hernández-Arizpe LM, Reséndiz-Barragán AM, García-Quiroz CA, Cortés-Vargas F, Chaidez-Ojeda BN, Canché-Arenas AP, Reyes-García JG, Reyes-Castillo E
Language: Spanish
References: 133
Page: 329-366
PDF size: 369.32 Kb.
Obesity and overweight are defined as: “the abnormal or excessive accumulation of fat
that can be detrimental to health”. The increase in the percentage of body fat is directly
associated with the appearance of multiple comorbidities and serious consequences,
since it predisposes or favors the development of cardiovascular risk factors, such as
arterial hypertension, dyslipidemia, glucose intolerance, diabetes, heart disease and
other related diseases. This document aims to synthesize information concerning overweight
and obesity in adults so that general practitioners, specialists and subspecialists
within their clinical practice can provide adequate diagnosis, treatment, primary and
secondary prevention based on the best information and scientific evidence for decision
making and reduce the economic and epidemiological burden caused by this disease
to the Mexican population.
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