2023, Number 2
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Med Int Mex 2023; 39 (2)
Respiratory symptoms in women exposed to wood smoke
Vargas RLJ, González-Jiménez N, Wilches-WilchesMR, Sandoval CC, Najar-Molano F, Méndez-Arce C
Language: Spanish
References: 32
Page: 235-242
PDF size: 226.12 Kb.
Objective: To determine the respiratory symptoms in women from Paipa, Colombia,
who have been exposed to wood smoke.
Materials and Methods: Observational study, single cohort with analytical phase.
Women over 18 years of age exposed to wood smoke, who resided in the area of direct
influence of the thermal plant, were included in the study. Data was collected from
January 23 to November 22, 2019; they consisted of a consultation with two doctors
belonging to the research, in which they were inquired about the research variables by
applying a data collection sheet and later spirometry was performed.
Results: One hundred seven women exposed to wood smoke were included; all
participants had respiratory symptoms. The average age was 53.14 years, 68.3% had
some degree of overweight; 48.6% had dyspnea, 38.3% cough, 21.5% expectoration
and on auscultation 7.5% had rhonchi, 4.7% had wheezing and 1.9% rales.
Conclusions: Women in rural areas are at high risk of exposure to wood smoke
and all patients presented respiratory symptoms, which is associated with these
exposure factors. In addition, people who stop smoking are likely to reduce respiratory
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