2023, Number 23
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CuidArte 2023; 12 (23)
Psychosocial experiences of young adults with a diagnosis of stage V chronic kidney disease
Martínez MMY
Language: Spanish
References: 19
PDF size: 269.29 Kb.
Introduction. Chronic kidney disease represents one of the largest problems worldwide, it is considered
a catastrophic disease due to its increase in recent years. It is indisputable that the loss of renal function
causes patients’ limitations in their personal, work, family, and social development, in addition to having
emotional and psychological conditions.
Objective. To demonstrate the psychosocial experiences of
renal patients undergoing hemodialysis treatment.
Method. Qualitative, interpretative phenomenological
study according to Heidegger; there were a total of 5 participants between 23 and 29 years old with CKD
of approximately 5 years of evolution. Findings. CKD impacts and changes patients’ lifestyles irreversibly,
due to the repercussions on physical, psychological, social, and financial health; they begin to experience
changes in roles and identity, making them think that they will never be the same or perform certain
activities; once they accept the situation, they develop strategies to face their reality, all of this with the
help of a support network.
Conclusions. Being young and having to face a terminal illness implies more
than physical deterioration; the dimension of this situation represents an emotional impact, since social
relationships, academic and work life are modified, thus changing the lifestyle of patients and their
families. When health personnel understand the changes that renal patients go through, they have the
capacity to provide pertinent information and care that help them to cope with grief and acceptance.
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