2023, Number 2
Mandatory Quality Assurance System in Health: application to the clinical laboratory
Language: Spanish
References: 10
Page: 157-173
PDF size: 137.09 Kb.
In 1993, the State established the General System of Social Security in Health, in which different legal mechanisms were introduced to promote quality in the institutions providing health services in the country. From then on, different decrees were implemented. Currently, the Mandatory Health Quality Assurance System (SOGCS) is regulated by Decree 780 of 2016, the Sole Regulatory Decree of the Health Sector. SOGCS is made up of four main components: the Single Qualification System (SUH), the Audit for Quality Improvement, the Single Accreditation System (SUA) and the Health Quality Information System, to direct and evaluate the performance of these institutions in terms of quality and social satisfaction; in addition, the Health Services Provider Registration and Qualification Manual was adopted, which contains the minimum conditions that health services in the country must meet to provide security to users in the health care process. The purpose of this manual is to define the verification conditions for accreditation, such as technical-administrative capacity, patrimonial and financial sufficiency, and technological and scientific capacity. This article will review some general concepts of the Mandatory System of Quality Assurance in Health, as well as the standards and qualification criteria for clinical laboratories.REFERENCES
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