2023, Number 1
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Rev Latin Infect Pediatr 2023; 36 (1)
Evolution and budget impact of possible improvements in the Immunization Programme: Argentina 2007-2018
Olivera I, Grau C, Lazarov L, López E, Dibarboure H, López JG, Oddo C, Bianculli P
Language: Spanish
References: 24
Page: 19-27
PDF size: 256.79 Kb.
Introduction: vaccination programmes are integral strategies for mitigating or eliminating the impact of immunopreventable diseases. The aim of this paper was to describe the historical evolution of Argentina's National Vaccination Schedule, estimate annual expenditure and analyze the budgetary impacts of potential improvements.
Material and methods: for each year of the vaccination schedule up to the current scenario, the evolution was described, costs were estimated, and the impact of alternative, superior schedules was then evaluated. The results were expressed as the total and relative budgetary impact of each scenario versus the current scenario.
Results: for the period 2007-2018, total vaccine expenditure was estimated to grow by 212 million USD (907%). The vaccination schedule change with the greatest impact in budgetary terms is the full hexavalent vaccination schedule with the withdrawal of OPV (21% versus 2018).
Conclusions: first analysis of the evolution of the schedule and estimation of expenditure in Argentina as well as estimating the economic impact of potential changes. Different technically recommended and simplified scenarios have been developed to reduce uncertainty in the results. Local and regional systems will be able to use the evidence generated by the study for decision-making regarding vaccination schedules and economic burden.
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