2021, Number 04
Risk factors associated with the low birth weight in a health area from Camagüey
Language: Spanish
References: 18
Page: 856-867
PDF size: 781.26 Kb.
Introduction: The birth weight is, undoubtedly, the most important variable to determine the possibilities that a new born has experiencing a satisfactory growth and development, so that the rate of new born with low weight is considered nowadays a general indicator of health.Objective: To describe the risk factors associated with the low birth weight in the University Polyclinic of Previsora, from Camagüey city during 2019.
Methods: A descriptive and cross-sectional study of the 19 mothers that had new borns with weight under 2 500 grams was carried out. They were in that health area during the studied period. Some variables related to the sociodemographic, environmental factors and with pregnancy were analyzed. Relative and absolute frequencies were used to process the data.
Results: The most frequent diseases related to these births were hypertension and anemia (26.3 %, respectively); also, 57.8 % of the mothers were multiparus and 3 of them presented one short intergenesic period.
Conclusions: Low birth weight is the consequence of several biological, socioeconomic, environmental and psychological factors, reason why it is difficult to define a unique cause in its emergence.
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