2021, Number 04
Validation of instruments for the development of professional abilities in the mediate preoperative period
Language: Spanish
References: 19
Page: 838-855
PDF size: 1230.55 Kb.
Introduction: One of the basic tasks in the investigations is the realization of tools with contents according to the topic that is wanted to study, which can be solved by means of the experts criteria that allow the making of reliable instruments and their implementation in the biomedical sciences.Objective: To describe the results of the experts selection process for the theoretical validation of the instruments used in the strategy of the surgeons professional training during the mediate preoperative period.
Methods: A qualitative and quantitative study was carried out at Dr. Juan Bruno Zayas Alfonso Teaching General Hospital in Santiago de Cuba, from December, 2019 to March, 2021. The universe was constituted by 25 experts to whom the self-appraisal test and Delphi method were applied.
Results: It was found that 17 (68.0 %) doctors in science obtained high competence coefficient and 6 (24.0 %) mean competence coefficient, which were selected to validate the instruments and the teaching program of investigation. The experts considered that in this instruments existed sufficiency, clarity, coherence and relevance. Although they didn't reach the maximum qualification, all of them obtained between 3 and 4 points, reason why changes in the items were not carried out.
Conclusion: The validation of the instruments content was good to strengthen the tools used in the investigation, the experience in the professional activity and in the scientist - investigative function.
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