2021, Number 4
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Medicentro 2021; 25 (4)
Educational actions on oral health in students from ''René Fraga'' School
de la Mella QSF, Díaz HZ, Gálvez MM, Rodríguez SY, Jova GA, de la Mella QAI
Language: Spanish
References: 17
Page: 554-570
PDF size: 673.10 Kb.
the majority of the population accepts tooth loss as inevitable as they age, but if they were better informed and adopted favourable attitudes and practices regarding their oral health, the prevalence and severity of these conditions would be considerably reduced; this motivates us to look for solutions through health policies that implement plans specially designed for this purpose.
identifying the level of information on oral health, as well as designing and applying educational actions in schoolchildren from preschool age to third grade belonging to "René Fraga" School.
a qualitative and quantitative research was carried out from March 2017 to May 2018. Several methods and instruments were used to obtain information, among which observation and interview stand out. The sample consisted of 248 infants, and was selected by criteria. The information was obtained through observation and the application of an interview to explore information on oral health in children; all this with the prior informed consent of institutions and parents.
the obtained results indicate, among other aspects: difficulties in shape, frequency and orientation of brushing, as well as in the level of information on oral health; actions were designed and applied in correspondence with the educational needs identified.
girls and boys showed an inadequate level of information on oral health during the diagnosis; this improved considerably after applying the designed educational actions.
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