2023, Number 2
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Aten Fam 2023; 30 (2)
Adverse Childhood Experiences and Depressive Symptoms in a Family Medicine Unit in Michoacán
Moreno-Guzmán Y, Chacón-Valladares P, Lajud-Ávila N
Language: Spanish
References: 13
Page: 143-152
PDF size: 383.76 Kb.
Objective: To determine the frequency of
adverse childhood experiences and their
relation with the presence of depressive
symptoms in a Family Medicine unit in
Methods: cross-sectional
analytical study carried out in 139 participants
assigned to the Family Medicine
Unit No. 80 of the Mexican Institute of
Social Security. The Adverse Childhood
Experiences - International Questionnaire
(ACE-IQ) and the Beck Depression
Inventory-II were applied. Descriptive
statistics and the χ
2 test were used. To
confirm associations the Stepwise Logistic
Regression was performed.
Results: 88.5%
of the sample reported at least one adverse
childhood experience, while 59% reported
three or more. The frequency of depressive
symptoms was 29.5%, and 97.6%
of participants with depressive symptoms
reported at least one adverse childhood
experience. Logistic regression analysis
showed that physical and emotional abuse,
and employment status predicted for the
presence of depressive symptoms.
frequency of adverse childhood
experiences is higher than reported in other
studies, and is associated with the presence
of depressive symptoms in adults.
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