2023, Number 2
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Aten Fam 2023; 30 (2)
Sarcopenia and its connection with geriatric dysfunctionality in a family medicine unit
Valencia-Reyes JM, Vega-Blancas JL
Language: Spanish
References: 19
Page: 120-126
PDF size: 151.30 Kb.
Objective: to identify the prevalence of
sarcopenia and its connection with geriatric
dysfunction in a family medicine
Methods: descriptive study; 174
patients over 65 years of age of both
sexes were included. Non-probabilistic
convenience non-probabilistic sampling.
The SARC-F questionnaire was used for
screening, the EWGSOP2 algorithm to
determine the presence and degree of
sarcopenia and the Katz test to assess the
degree of functional dependence with
basic activities of daily living. Statistical
analysis was carried out using the SPSS v
program. 22. To relate the presence and
degree of sarcopenia with functional
dependence, the χ
2 test was used with a
significance level of 0.05 and Spearman’s
Rho was used.
Results: it was observed
that women have a higher prevalence
of sarcopenia, the highest age was 80
years and older. The variables with association
were presence and degree of
sarcopenia with the degree of functional
dependence, Spearman’s Rho 0.491
and 0.411, respectively; with statistical
significance (p‹0.000).
Conclusion: age
and female sex influence the development
of sarcopenia. The prevalence of
the latter, and the dependence on basic
activities of daily living, will depend on
the biological and social factors of each
individual; because of this, it is necessary
to carry out an exhaustive search for
cases with risk factors in order to have
a timely impact on these patients and
avoid complications.
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