2023, Number 2
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Aten Fam 2023; 30 (2)
Perception of prostate cancer in Mexican men and willingness for digital rectal examination
Balderas-Ortega J, Arellano-Romero NU, Vergara-Sánchez D
Language: Spanish
References: 21
Page: 93-98
PDF size: 163.30 Kb.
Objective: identify the association
between risk perception for prostate
cancer and willingness for a digital
rectal examination.
Method: crosssectional
analytical study, 361 people
participated through a non-probability
convenience sampling. Risk perception
was assessed with the health belief
model for prostate cancer, a Likert-type
scale validated in Mexican population
was used for this purpose, and the willingness
for a digital rectal examination
was determined through a question.
The χ
2 test was used to explore the relation
between the risk perception level
for prostate cancer and willingness to
perform a digital rectal examination.
or was calculated for the magnitude
of association.
Results: 13.57% of
the participants had a good perception
of risk, 33.24% had an inconclusive
perception and 53.19% had a poor
perception. 35.18% of the participants
were willing for a digital rectal examination
and 64.82% refused. 18.9% of the
rectal exams performed were abnormal.
There is a statistically significant association
between risk perception for
prostate cancer and willingness for a
digital rectal examination (p‹0.05).
Inconclusive and poor risk perception
for prostate cancer were risk factors for
a digital rectal examination willingness
(OR=16.72, IC 6.54-42.77 and
OR=21.5, IC 8.62-53.65 respectively),
these values were statistically significant.
Conclusion: risk perception for
prostate cancer can influence men’s
decision making and performance of
digital rectal examination. Interventions
aimed at patient education are
required to increase men’s participation
in comprehensive prostate cancer
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