2021, Number 3
Characterization of pregnant women with low birth weight newborns at the Teaching Polyclinic ''7 de Noviembre''
Language: Spanish
References: 20
Page: 1-7
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Introduction: low birth weight is an important cause of perinatal morbidity and mortality, it also represents a serious health problem in the Majibacoa municipality due to its high incidence.Objective: to characterize the pregnant women with low weight newborns at the Teaching Polyclinic “7 de Noviembre” of the Majibacoa municipality, Las Tunas during 2020.
Methods: observational, descriptive and cross-sectional study in pregnant women pregnant women with low weight newborns belonging to the “7 de Noviembre” Teaching Polyclinic of Majibacoa during 2020. The universe consisted of 28 pregnant women whose product of conception was low birth weight; it worked with the entire universe.
Results: 64,3 % of the pregnant women were between 20 and 34 years old and 42,8 % were smokers. Hypertension was the most frequent personal pathological antecedent (17,8 %). Both, urinary and vaginal infections occurred in 25 % of pregnant women. At the beginning of pregnancy, 32,1 % of the mothers were malnourished and at the end of the pregnancy 39,3 %.
Conclusions: females between the second and third decade of life, who consume tobacco or suffer from arterial hypertension, as well as those who presented vaginal infections and urinary tract infections as pregnancy-related diseases, and who were malnourished at the beginning of labor they were prone to having low birth weight babies.
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