2023, Number 2
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Ortho-tips 2023; 19 (2)
Pubic disruption associated with dystocic delivery in immature pelvis
González CCO, Ramos GM
Language: Spanish
References: 23
Page: 108-112
PDF size: 218.14 Kb.
Disruption of the pubis during labor is a rare lesion with a frequency of 0.1-0.8%, usually related to elderly primigravid patients, there is little evidence reported in young patients, but practically none in pediatric age. In our case, it is a 15-year-old female patient who is in full-term pregnancy with dystocic labor and with a skeletally immature pelvis, with disruption of the symphysis pubis that caused rotational instability of the pelvic ring, therefore which required surgical treatment. As there is little literature in this regard that unifies the management criteria for this type of pelvic injury that is a product of labor, it is impossible to standardize care protocols, therefore the best way to manage them is to adhere to what is established in patients with similar injuries. as a result of trauma of another nature. Our objective is to make a contribution to the bibliography on this rare entity that is undoubtedly underdiagnosed, to show that we can find it in many women in the immediate postpartum period and that although they are not necessarily surgical, they should be correctly treated.
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