2021, Number 3
Video laparoscopic cholecistectomy in the Military Hospital of Matanzas. 2014-2017
Language: Spanish
References: 19
Page: 732-749
PDF size: 13488.62 Kb.
Introduction: video laparoscopic surgery began in January 2000, at the Dr. Mario Muñoz Monroy Military Hospital. The surgical team, at that time, were surgeons with years of experience and a solid training in conventional surgery. They also had demonstrated skills in performing open cholecystectomy. Starting in 2011, a new generation of surgeons developed minimally invasive surgery, with little experience in open surgery. Therefore, it arose the paradox that fewer and fewer surgeons had the technical experience required in the most difficult cases.Objective: to determine the safety in performing laparoscopic cholecystectomy.
Materials and methods: retrospective, descriptive and observational research of the patients who underwent surgeries of benign biliary conditions, by the technique of laparoscopic cholecystectomy in the period January 2014- December 2017.
Results: 1759 patients were cholecystectomized. 87.25% were female ones and 257 (13%) were male: Comorbidities were present in 46.3%. 1 801 were elective surgeries; emergency surgeries were 215. There were 38 (1.88%) adverse events and 28 (1.3%) conversions. The operatory mortality was 5 (0.24%).
Conclusions: laparoscopic cholecystectomy are safe because of the low index of adverse events, conversion and operatory mortality.
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