2023, Number 04
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Ginecol Obstet Mex 2023; 91 (04)
Postpartum depression: prevalence and associated risk factors in a sample of the Mexican population
Santiago-Sanabria L, Ibarra-Gussi PM, Rendón-Macías ME, Treviño-Villarreal P, Islas-Tezpa D, Porras-Ibarra GD, van Tienhoven X
Language: Spanish
References: 40
Page: 227-240
PDF size: 240.76 Kb.
Objective: To determine the prevalence of postpartum depression in a Mexican
population sample by means of the Edinburgh Scale and the risk factors associated
with its onset.
Materials and Methods: Observational, cross-sectional, relational and analytical
study carried out in a sample of Mexican population attended from March to July
2022 in four second and third level hospitals in four Mexican states. The Edinburgh
scale was applied to postpartum patients. The data obtained were processed with a
binary logistic regression technique adjusted to identify the most important risk factors
for postpartum depression.
Results: From a sample of 717 patients to whom the Edinburgh Scale was applied,
106 were positive for postpartum depression, giving a prevalence of 14.9%. The average
age of the patients was 26 years (range 12 and 46). Unmarried marital status was
a protective factor for postpartum depression and, on the other hand, those who were
married had a certain predisposition to postpartum depression. The higher the level of
schooling the lower the predisposition to postpartum depression.
Conclusions: The main risk factors for postpartum depression were: history of
psychiatric disorders in the family, previous depression, economic difficulties and
being single. Patients may have several simultaneous risk factors, a circumstance that
increases the risk of depression. It is essential for the obstetrician to identify the risk
factors from the prenatal check-up, to prevent the depressive state from worsening
during the puerperium.
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