2022, Number 4
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Acta de Otorrinolaringología CCC 2022; 50 (4)
Interpretation of the results of the oculomotor, positional and caloric test of the videonistagmography. Documentary review
Forero-Acosta AY, Roncancio-Rodríguez LF
Language: Spanish
References: 48
Page: 310-319
PDF size: 196.88 Kb.
Introduction: At present, peripheral and central vestibular frames are recognized that
can be diagnosed by videonystagmography (VNG). Advances in technology have
caused professionals to constantly update the use and interpretation of the different
tests that lead, in their cross-reading, to an accurate diagnosis and successful rehabilitation
treatments. The objective was to describe the interpretations of the results
of the oculomotor, positional and caloric tests of the VNG, for a detailed diagnosis
of the vestibular dysfunctions.
Materials and method: Documentary review obtained
from 40 sources reported in the scientific literature between 2010 and 2020,
taken from databases, thesis and books.
Discussion: Within the review, three categories
were found (oculomotor, positional and caloric tests) and seven subcategories
(spontaneous nystagmus, gaze-evoked nystagmus, tracking, saccades, optokinetic,
Dix-Hallpike and roll test).
Conclusion: The various elements found in this review
are relevant in that they specify not only the type of vertigo but also its topographic
location, favoring the evaluation-diagnosis process in the general population.
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