2021, Number 3
Triage and the route of care for pediatric patients in times of Covid-19, Pinar del Rio
Language: Spanish
References: 15
Page: 1-8
PDF size: 569.22 Kb.
Introduction: in the framework of Covid-19 pandemic the structured triage is an indispensable element to prioritize and define the route of care, guaranteeing a timely assistance which could reduce the exposure of the healthcare personnel and consequently, the spreading of the disease.Objective: to establish recommendations for the triage and to determine the route of care for pediatric patients attending Pepe Portilla Pediatric Teaching Hospital in the context of Covid-19 pandemic.
Development: particularities in the route of care are introduced considering the pediatric triage, structured by means of the assessment of the triangle used for pediatric evaluation; in addition to the definition for a suspected case of Covid-19, as a basic process for the preliminary-clinical-evaluation in emergency services and establishing two flows of patients: flow 1- suspected case of Covid-19 and flow 2- not suspected case of Covid-19.
Conclusions: the recommendations described are general and each hospital, depending on its characteristics, should decide the most favorable organization to guarantee a care of quality along with the safety of inpatients and outpatients.
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