2021, Number 3
Effect of Camphenol Plus on portal vein vascular smooth muscle in Wistar rats
Language: Spanish
References: 20
Page: 1-11
PDF size: 400.82 Kb.
Introduction: Camphenol Plus is one of the antiseptics commonly used in Dentistry since the last century and still in use today. There are few scientific reports of its effect on the endothelium and contractile dynamics of vascular smooth muscle, especially in venous tissues such as the hepatic portal vein.Objective: to determine the effect of Camphenol Plus on the vascular smooth muscle of the portal vein.
Methods: a preclinical experimental investigation was carried out using 21 portal veins obtained from Wistar rats. The preparations were placed in an organ bath and the tension developed by the vascular smooth muscle was recorded after the addition of ten microliter of Camphenol Plus, at different concentrations and during different time intervals.
Results: Camphenol Plus, after the preactivation of the vascular smooth muscle of the portal vein, induced relaxation, which increased throughout the study time and according to the increase in drug concentrations. There were significant differences between the average tension values recorded in the different time intervals with those of the basal spontaneous tension and the initial baseline tension.
Conclusions: Camphenol Plus induced "in vitro" relaxation of portal venous smooth muscles through a pharmacomechanical excitation-contraction coupling.
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