2021, Number 3
Hospital-clinical information system: prototype for volume and dietary indications
Language: Spanish
References: 13
Page: 1-11
PDF size: 480.91 Kb.
Introduction: a medical indication for patient’s diet is the therapeutic where the food and nutrients are used with curative purposes. The medical indications are daily and manually recorded in the official models on paper format of the clinical histories.Objective: to develop the architecture of information for the management process of volume and dietary indications in the clinical histories.
Methods: a research-technological development study was conducted using theoretical and empirical methods to study the evolution and development of the treatment plan of hospitalized patients at Leon Cuervo Rubio Clinical-surgical-teaching Hospital from Pinar del Rio province.
Results: the prototype of a computerized system was built for the management of the information records for the medical indications of volume and diet to hospitalized patients. The prototype was created as a whole with the clients, this way satisfying their needs and desires.
Conclusions: the architecture of information for the management of the medical indications concerning volume and diet will allow to the programmers to facilitate the analysis of the desired functionalities for the clients, and implement a computerized application which will replace the register of the medical indications for the volume and diet of the traditional written clinical history, simplifying the working tasks to the healthcare professionals and offering a better care to the patient.
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