2023, Number 03
Low back pain: main consultation in health services
Language: Spanish
References: 18
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Low back pain is a health care problem that involves high consequences to health system and who are suffering any episode of the entity, because, sometimes it becomes into a disability. It´s important to know the different types of low back pain and recognize the risk factors and red flags in order to give the best therapeutic approach. There must be establish criteria for using medical imaging and the benefit that can give in the therapeutic context of each patient. There must be consider that optimal bed rest shouldn’t be longer than 48 hours because it may aggravate the low back pain, and the ordinary activity that shouldn’t involve physical overexertion must be included as a fundamental point in the treatment; additionally, paracetamol is the first line treatment due to minimal adverse effects compared to nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drugs, there´s a synergistic therapeutic effect on efficacy and relief of pain when the first line treatment is combined with vitamin B complex. Low intensity opioids can be helpful in refractory cases due to nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. The steroidal drugs can be used in case of low back pain with inflammatory components.REFERENCES
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