2021, Number 3
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Rev Cub de Tec de la Sal 2021; 12 (3)
Refractive accommodative esotropia. case report
León VT, de la Torre LN, La O LY
Language: Spanish
References: 11
Page: 99-104
PDF size: 496.47 Kb.
One of the most frequent conditions in Ophthalmology affecting children is the presence of ametropia or refractive defects. Ametropias are responsible for 5 to 10% of all causes of blindness, and one of the most frequent is hypermetropia, which can cause convergent strabismus (refractive accommodative isotropy). We present the clinical case of a 5-year-old male patient, attended in the health area, where the optometric examination indicated half of the optical correction, without summoning him to the final test. The mother refers that the patient has both eyes turned inwards, when he fixes his sight or writes, presents headaches, visual fatigue and rubs his eyes. The ophthalmologic physical examination is normal for age, the fundus examination shows papillae with diffuse borders in both eyes, indicative of the presence of hypermetropia. Sensory examination shows excessive convergence. The visual acuity without glasses is decreased in both eyes to 0.2 tenths of vision. High hyperopia is diagnosed in both eyes. Permanent glasses and visual rehabilitation treatment with 2 x1 occlusions (two days occluding the eye with better vision and one day the eye with worse vision) were indicated. The effective and early diagnosis was fundamental for the satisfactory evolution of the patient with refractive accommodative esotropia, in addition to the health promotion carried out by the Optometry and Optics technologists when explaining to the parents the conduct to follow.
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