2021, Number 3
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Rev Cub de Tec de la Sal 2021; 12 (3)
Technological waste, an enemy of the environment in the 21st century
Gutierrez VD, González GTR, Llosa SM, Hernández CD, Bustamante LTY
Language: Spanish
References: 19
Page: 9-16
PDF size: 449.27 Kb.
Introduction: the evolution of Information Technology and Communications in recent years, conditions the increase in the availability of technological equipment in daily life. It leads to increasing levels of technological waste, lack of security for treatment and disposal. It poses significant risks to the environment and human health.
Objective: to argue the impact of technological waste on the health of the individual, family, community and the environment.
Development: technological waste is made up of chemical elements: 30% polymers (plastics), 30% refractory oxides (ceramics) and 40% metals. Which when released into the environment, are absorbed by living beings and cause damage to ecosystems. Among the diseases caused in man are: Alzheimer's, degenerative diseases of the nervous system, chronic fatigue, heart disease, dermatitis, anemia, asthma, irritation of the respiratory tract, kidney damage, psychological, sleep and learning disorders. In the environment, pollution from technological waste spreads to land, water and air. Recycling activities must be carried out responsibly, along with precious metals are other products that are polluting, toxic and carcinogenic.
Conclusions: it was argued about the impact of technological waste on the health of the individual, family, community and the environment. Which generate a high concentration of pollutants that cause damage to natural ecosystems.
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