2021, Number 3
The psychological well-being and its relationship with other variables in studies with the teaching population
Language: Spanish
References: 37
Page: 51-60
PDF size: 288.34 Kb.
Introduction: On average, a teacher works 5 hours a day in front of the group, this translates into 25 class hours per week and spends the same amount of time in extra classroom activities planning and reviewing activities. This is a reality that is replicated in different countries around the world, so these work contexts in which teachers work in front of a group have led to the concern of researchers to investigate the psychological well-being of this population as a variable of study. Objective: To identify from the scientific literature how psychological well-being has been related to other variables. Material and method: A literature review was carried out with 26 empirical studies carried out on psychological well-being and its relationship with other variables in the workplace with the teaching population, in 11 countries in a period from 2000-2020. Results: Showed that sociodemographic data appeared in the studies as an element to consider both in relation to psychological well-being and related variables. It was observed that the psychological well-being variable is frequently linked and associated with the variables work stress and burnout, being psychological well-being a dependent variable in 96% of the studies.REFERENCES
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