2021, Number 3
Mental health and mobbing
Language: Spanish
References: 40
Page: 40-50
PDF size: 305.40 Kb.
Introduction: A healthy work environment favors workers´ productivity and coexistence, improves the well-being of its collaborators and interpersonal relationships, while a workspace that doesn’t meet these characteristics favors the accumulation of stress in those involved and, subsequently, health consequences. Objective: To describe the characteristics those identify mobbing or workplace harassment and its repercussion on the mental health of the worker, the family and the community. Material and method: A bibliographic review was carried out in information sources and databases of recognized national and international prestige. 41 bibliographic citations were used with an update of 78% between 2017 and 2020. From them the present article was prepared. Analysis and integration of information: Psychological harassment at work or mobbing is considered as the deliberate and continuous verbal and modal abuse that a worker receives in his performance, by one or more co-workers that could destabilize him and affect him emotionally and reduce their work capacity until they request sick leave. Conclusions: Mobbing or psychological harassment at work affects the victim, the family and the institution, identifying the problem as such, finding out about it, requesting psychological and professional advice to address this problem is one of the measures to be taken carried out for its control and prevention from primary health care.REFERENCES
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