2021, Number 3
Accidents of the hand in workers of a bottling company of Aragua state, Venezuela, 2014-2019
Language: Spanish
References: 14
Page: 32-39
PDF size: 283.89 Kb.
Introduction: Investigations into injuries due to hand-hand work accidents both nationally and internationally in the food and beverage manufacturing company are scarce. Objective: To analyze the frequency and cause of injuries due to hand work accidents in the workers of a Venezuelan bottling company, in the period 2014-2019. Material and method: An observational study was conducted, data were collected from the reports of injuries due to work accidents registered by the company with the Health Management of the workers of the State of Aragua, Venezuela, during the period studied. The sociodemographic variables analyzed were sex and age and the work variables, seniority, work shift, injured party, cause, type of accident injury; days lost and place of occurrence. Results: There were 133 injuries due to work accidents, of which 59 of hands (44%). 69% were mild and 31% moderate, all injured were men, 37% aged between 20 and 30 years, 76% with work experience less than 5 years and 81% of the packaging area. The affected areas were fingers (73%), hands (22%) and wrists (5%). 73% of work accident injuries occurred on day shifts. The most frequent injuries were open wounds and bruises (61% and 14%, respectively), 58% generated by contact with a cutting material agent (broken glass); human factors predominated as a basic cause in 81%. Conclusions: Injuries due to hand-hand work accidents in the company studied have a high frequency, constituting the main cause of incapacity for work.REFERENCES
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