2021, Number 3
Preventive medical examination protocol for health workers exposed to sars-cov-2 coronavirus
Language: Spanish
References: 16
Page: 27-31
PDF size: 204.91 Kb.
A preventive medical examination protocol is presented to health workers exposed to SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus based on the best existing scientific evidence. The objective of this article is to identify early impacts on the health of this group of workers, in their workplace, detect diseases unrelated to work or age-related alterations that may make some of them more sensitive to suffering or aggravating certain processes. Documentary analysis is used as an empirical level method. It includes the analysis of information documents in print, digital and internet format to the subject as a basis for collecting evidence. In addition, the practical experience and reasoned intuition of the authors is used. An initial protocol is developed for the implementation of preemployment, periodic and reintegration preventive medical examinations for health workers with exposure to SARS-CoV-2. These include the application criteria, definitions and fundamental concepts to be used; as well as the rules for compliance. The instrument developed is a working tool to contribute to the fight against this pandemic, is justified to the maximum that having an optimal state of health in health workers is a guarantee and strength in triumph over COVID-19.REFERENCES
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