2021, Number 3
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Revista del Hospital Psiquiátrico de La Habana 2021; 18 (3)
Effect of Trichocereus Pachanoi Extract on Learning and Spatial Memory in Rattus rattus
Rodríguez VJL, Mejía PDA, Campos RJL, Cabrejo PJE, Lora LMG
Language: Spanish
References: 40
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Introduction: Throughout the history of humanity hallucinogens or entheogens have been used for several purposes from religious worship. Their physiological study is not easy because they are potions prepared on the basis of plant extract, the intake of which develops different effects on emotions and learning.
Objective: Assess the effect of Trichocereus Pachanoi extract on spatial memory in Rattus rattus.
Methods: An increasing stimulus design was developed. Four similar groups of 5 rats were ordered, put into Problem I, II and III groups that were given the extract orally at different concentrations, and the control group was not given treatment, assessing spatial memory in Morris water maze.
Results: The rats had a similar average time to develop latency in the acquisition phase, and equivalent times were observed in the retention phase; when applying the 10% and 20% dose, the learning rate varies, showing a slight decrease between them, and with the 30% dose (the highest concentration), there was a greater decrease in the latency time of the acquisition phase, presenting long-term depression.
Conclusions: There was an effect equivalent to long-term depression in the experimental subject, evident in the duration of motor behavior in Morris water maze, through learning rate.
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