2023, Number 1
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Otorrinolaringología 2023; 68 (1)
Prevalence of dementia syndrome and cognitive impairment in older adults with hearing loss
López-García I, Sánchez-Paz LC, Pineda-Cásarez F, Durán-Ortiz M, Garza-Castañeda RR
Language: Spanish
References: 23
Page: 24-28
PDF size: 196.07 Kb.
Objective: To determine the prevalence of dementia syndrome and cognitive impairment
in the elderly with hearing loss.
Materials and Methods: An observational, cross-sectional, descriptive study was
performed in a third level hospital in Mexico City among adults ≥ 60 years with hearing
loss. Participants were evaluated in the Otorhinolaryngology Service to identify the presence
of dementia syndrome with the Phototest and cognitive impairment with the MoCA
test. Statistical analysis was performed in SPSS v.26 with descriptive and inferential tests.
Results: A total of 47 older adults were included, of which 7 had mild hearing loss,
14 moderate, 17 severe, and 9 profound. The median MoCA score was 23 (18-26), 19.5
(15-25), 20 (16-23), and 21 (13-22) in patients with mild, moderate, severe, and profound
hearing loss, respectively (p = 0.192). The Phototest score was 40 (38-49), 38.5 (27-43),
41 (34-43), and 37(32-38) in patients with mild, moderate, severe, and profound hearing
loss, respectively (p = 0.475). The overall prevalence of cognitive impairment among
patients with hearing loss was of 83%, and dementia syndrome of 6.4%.
Conclusions: The prevalence of cognitive impairment was high among patients
with hearing loss and higher than that reported in the literature. Meanwhile, dementia
was less frequent than in other reports.
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