2021, Number 3
Neurodynamics of the median nerve as a treatment for radicular neck pain
Language: Spanish
References: 14
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Introduction: Cervical radiculopathy is one of the conditions that occurs most frequently in the young population. The radiation of pain to the upper limbs affects quality of life. Neurodynamics offers advantages in the treatment of this condition.Objective: To identify the effects of neural mobilization by neurodynamics in the radiated symptoms of radicular neck pain.
Methods: Applied, quasi-experimental, descriptive and longitudinal research applied to 28 workers from the National University of Chimborazo diagnosed with neck pain of neural origin. Several tests were applied, among which the neurodynamic tension test of the median nerve stands out for the diagnosis of radicular neck pain. 6 neurodynamic sessions were carried out, which changed the evolution of the diagnosed condition. The McNemar test was applied to identify changes in pain intensity.
Results: Average age of 46.28 years with a predominance of workers between 40 and 49 years old (39.29%) and female (67.86%). 39.28% of the workers referred associated comorbidities, hypothyroidism (45.45%) and arterial hypertension (36.36%) were the most referred. After applying the technique, only 3.57% of the workers continued with radiating pain and with moderate intensity, 60.72% presented mild pain and 35.71% self-identified as pain-free.
Conclusions: The application of neural mobilization through neurodynamics caused statistically significant changes in the decrease in the intensity of neck pain and also improved the radiation of pain to the upper limbs.
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