2023, Number 03
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Ginecol Obstet Mex 2023; 91 (03)
Postpartum Hamman (pneumomediastinal) syndrome. Synthesis of the literature and case report
Peña-Vega CJ, Buitrón-García R, Zavala-Barrios B, Aguirre-García R
Language: Spanish
References: 70
Page: 197-209
PDF size: 438.12 Kb.
Background: Hamman's syndrome is characterized by the coexistence of free
air in the mediastinum without an identifiable cause; it may also be secondary to
trauma, intrathoracic infections, medical procedures such as oesophagoscopy and
bronchoscopy. Its incidence is estimated to be between 1 in 2000 and 1 in 100,000
Clinical case: 18-year-old female patient, weight 65 kg, height 1.56 m and BMI
26.74, corresponding to overweight, primigravida, with no relevant pathological or
heredofamilial history, with normal evolution of pregnancy. At 39 weeks, she attended
the gynaecological emergency department due to uterine contractility and leakage of
fluid from the vagina. The pregnancy was terminated by delivery, with a live newborn.
In the immediate postpartum period (30 hours after delivery) she suddenly experienced
dyspnoea, orthopnoea and pain in the infraclavicular region, with a sensation of "bubbling"
in the anterior chest. Plain chest X-ray showed free air in the mediastinum and
subcutaneous emphysema. Chest CT showed multiple air bubbles, with extension of
the perivertebral space predominantly on the right. The diagnostic conclusion was:
extensive subcutaneous emphysema in the neck spaces extending into the anterior
mediastinum, with extensive pneumomediastinum and global cardiomegaly.
Conclusions: Hamman syndrome is prevalent in young primigravidae and has a
benign course. Treatment should be conservative, with oxygen and analgesics.
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