2023, Number 1
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salud publica mex 2023; 65 (1)
Design of a communication strategy to promote the use of warning labels among Mexican children and adolescents
Jáuregui A, Pacheco-Miranda S, Ayvar-Gama Y, Alejandro-Torres NZ, Cuno A, Espinosa-de Candido AF, Martínez-Cruz MI, Bonvecchio-Arenas A, Barquera S
Language: Spanish
References: 25
Page: 70-81
PDF size: 668.71 Kb.
Objective. To describe the process used to design a communication
strategy aimed at promoting the use of warning
labels and choosing healthy foods among Mexican children
and adolescents.
Materials and methods. This was a
four-phase study among school-aged children, adolescents,
and caretakers: 1) formative research (18 focus groups, n=
179); 2) co-creation workshops with children and adolescents
(n= 33); 3) design of the communication strategy,
based on the COM-B model, and 4) pilot-testing (six focus
groups, n= 52).
Results. The communication strategy
should improve the understanding of warning labels and the
knowledge about the relation between critical ingredients
(calories, saturated fat, trans fat, sodium, sweeteners, and
caffeine) and disease, highlight the favorable consequences
of healthy eating and the negative effects of the excessive
consumption of foods with warning labels, highlight that
natural foods are cheaper and of better quality than foods
with warning labels, and provide options of healthy and at
tractive food preparations with natural foods.
Formative research and the participation of children and
adolescents in the creation of the strategy were essential
for the design of a culturally relevant strategy with impact
potential. The process and results of this study may inform
efforts in contexts similar to Mexico.
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