2023, Number 1
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salud publica mex 2023; 65 (1)
Resilience and risk factors associated to depressive symptoms in Mexican healthcare workers during the Covid-19 pandemic
Durand-Arias S, Carmona-Huerta J, Aldana-López A, Náfate-López O, Orozco R, Cordoba G, Alvarado R, Borges G
Language: English
References: 46
Page: 54-62
PDF size: 288.05 Kb.
Objective. Report the prevalence of depression, resilience,
and risk factors among healthcare workers (HCW) during Covid-
Materials and methods. This is an observational
cross-sectional study derived from the ongoing international,
prospective multicentric study “
The COVID-19 HEalth caRe wOrk-
Ers Study” (HEROES). A convenience sample of 2 127 HCW was
obtained from Chiapas and Jalisco between May 19
th and July
th 2020. Depression was assessed using the Patient Health
Questionnaire, resilience with the Brief Resilience Scale and
a Covid risk scale was developed. Model-adjusted prevalence
ratios (PRs) and an additive interaction model were performed.
Results. Moderate-severe depression was found in 16.6% of
HCW. Those from Jalisco, physicians, in hospitals, with chronic
illness and mental health history were more depressed. The
interaction between resilience and risk showed that, compared
to those with no risk and medium/high resilience, HCW at risk
with medium/high resilience had a 2.38 PR for depression while
those at risk and low resilience had a PR of 5.83.
This evidence points the need to develop strategies to enhance
resilience and reduce the risk in HCW.
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