2023, Number 1
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salud publica mex 2023; 65 (1)
Acceptability of proposals to regulate the Electronic Nicotine Administration Systems among smokers and dual users in Mexico
Barrientos-Gutiérrez I, Cruz-Jiménez L, Gallegos-Carrillo K, Arillo-Santillán E, Rodríguez-Bolaños R, Thrasher JF
Language: Spanish
References: 34
Page: 36-45
PDF size: 287.29 Kb.
Objective. Explore the acceptability of the current
ENDS ban and four regulatory proposals (ban on flavorings;
emission-free spaces; minimum age for purchase; and
ban on promotions) among nicotine users.
and methods. Cross-sectional panel study conducted
in Mexican smokers and vapers (November 2018-March
2020). Using logistic regression analysis, adjusted odds ratios
(RMa) were estimated to evaluate the association between
the independent variables and support for the ban and four
regulatory proposals.
Results. Support for the ban was
20%. The level of acceptance of the proposals was 21.%
prohibition of flavors, 23.2% prohibition of promotions,
40.5% emission-free spaces, and 47.9% minimum age for
Conclusions. In Mexico there is a generalized
rejection of nicotine users to the prohibition of ENDS, and
greater acceptance of the regulation of emission-free spaces
and minimum purchase age.
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