2021, Number 3
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Rev Cubana Med Trop 2021; 73 (3)
Scientific contributions of ''Pedro Kourí'' Tropical Medicine Institute to surveillance of Aedes aegypti (Diptera: Culicidae) in Cuba, 1982-2020
Bisset LJA, Marquetti FMC, Montada DD, Hernández CN, Leyva SM, Fuentes GO, Castex RM, Menéndez DZ, García GI, Castillo PM, Mendizábal AME, Peraza CI, Valdés MV
Language: Spanish
References: 68
Page: 1-18
PDF size: 496.95 Kb.
Arbovirus infections such as dengue, chikungunya, zika and yellow fever are among the mosquito-borne diseases with the highest incidence worldwide. These conditions are transmitted by the bite of Aedes aegypti (Linnaeus, 1762) and Aedes albopictus (Skuse, 1894) mosquitoes. Common goals of entomological surveillance programs for Ae. aegypti in the world are to determine changes in the geographic distribution of the mosquito, obtain data concerning their populations throughout time, evaluate the coverage and impact of antivector interventions, and monitor the susceptibility and resistance of mosquito populations to the main insecticides used for vector control. The paper summarizes the main results of studies conducted from 1981 to 2020 by the Vector Control Department at Pedro Kourí Tropical Medicine Institute (IPK) as a National Reference Laboratory (NRL), to contribute to the strengthening of entomological surveillance of Ae. aegypti. Recognition is also made of the work done for forty years as part of the so-called Ae. aegypti eradication campaign implemented in response to the dengue hemorrhagic fever epidemic (severe dengue in the new classification) occurring in Cuba in 1981.
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