2022, Number 2
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Revista Colombiana de Bioética 2022; 17 (2)
Empirical bioethics and human enhancement: a methodological proposal
Gayozzo P
Language: Spanish
References: 42
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Purpose/Background. The present research focuses on the debate on transhumanism/
bioconservatism from the perspective of empirical bioethics, that is, making use of empirical
evidence in the process of moral reasoning. Its objective is to propose a methodological
guide for the approach and resolution of moral problems concerning human
Methodology/Approach. The method Step-wise Ethical Human Enhancemet (SWEH) is
proposed. It is a guide consisting of 11 questions that are the result of the adaptation of
the guidelines for identifying a human enhancement procedure as ethical developed by
Julian Savulescu to the method of Step-wise Empirical Contributions elaborated by Pascal
Borry. An applicative example on the morality of biohacking RFID implants is provided.
Results/Findings. SWEH proposes that human enhancement procedures might be
approached as specific problems and that the identified moral norm might be rewritten
as a descriptive proposition that serves as a hypothesis that will be evaluated in the light
of empirical evidence. The evaluation of the proposition, and thus of moral reasoning, will
be done with the help of the information gathered by the 11 questions.
Discussion/Conclusions/Contributions. SWEH can serve to provide a first answer on
the morality of a specific human enhancement procedure, but not an absolute one, as
the result may vary depending on the information obtained in the future. It also highlights
gaps in empirical research related to the procedure it addresses. The method is a
first methodological guide that could be revised and improved.
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