2022, Number 1
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Arch Med 2022; 22 (1)
Oral Hygiene Intervention for Mothers of children under two years of age: Pilot test
Díaz CS, Arrieta AR, Tiria NL, Rojano RA, Valenzuela SJ
Language: Spanish
References: 36
Page: 121-132
PDF size: 269.29 Kb.
Objective: to evaluate an intervention on oral hygiene education for mothers of children
under 2 years of age.
Materials and methods: pilot test carried out in 37 pairs formed
by the mother and her child under 2 years of age, developed in 3 stages: 1. Collection
of information before and after 2. Frequencies, proportions and comparison of results
were estimated by means of the difference of proportions test.
Results: before the intervention,
in stage I it was found that 54 % of the mothers knew what type of toothpaste
to use on their baby and in terms of practices, 48.7 % of the children cooperated with
oral brushing. After the stage 2 intervention, in stage 3 follow-up, both results increased
to 97.3 % and 94.5 % respectively, finding statistical significance when comparisons
were made (p‹ 0.001).
Conclusions: it is ratified that interventions based on oral
hygiene education to mothers of children under 2 years of age can represent positive
changes on oral hygiene knowledge and practices during this stage.
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